Friday, May 20, 2011

Open those curtains!!!

I've been busy lately, doing nothing. How ironic right? Reading books, watching movies, painting, lazing around the house. It's nice in a way, because I know in a few short weeks I'm going to go from doing nothing to not having a moment of rest. But I was thinking about it last night and I felt God press on my heart that all the time I spend being entertained, I could be talking to Him or spending time with Him. I've been told that I'm easily entertained and I know it's true. But if it's true then why do I spend all my time looking at things that don't really entertain me? When I know I could go outside and spend an hour and half just looking at my yard and seeing the birds and plants with eyes that appreciate God's creation. But instead I bury my head in a book, or waste my time on the internet and thus miss out on beauty that I only have a couple weeks left to enjoy. (Yes, I'm on the internet right now, yes, I'm getting off as soon as I finish:)). I keep saying I want to treasure this time before I leave and yet I spend my time doing nothing. It's like..... Having a house full of windows but closing all the curtains. I want to see out. And I want to praise God for what I see. Look outside! It's a beautiful world:)

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