Thursday, November 3, 2011

To answer fury, He was soft

Like a lioness
Trapped in a cage
Please tame
Her wild ways.

Strong with teeth
Sharp and biting
She speaks with words
Not so inviting

Tearing through and through
The humble Master
Saying words of love
To calm disaster

He cries when she's whipped
Into submission
As she is breaking
His heart is broken.

She hardly sees
Past blinded eyes
Her own frailty
Is its own sunrise.

He clearly sees
Past snarling lips
She scrapes at wounds
He's tried to kiss

Her rage is
His sacrifice was
for her life.

The cat is meek
She's been declawed
He has mercy
On her flaws.

(this was written in response to a recent post by a friend on

1 comment:

  1. my dear sarah. no words to write. just tears to share. your words bring deeper healing still.
    i love you.
