Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Curly Hair Care: Day to Day

        For those of you with those luscious locks, you know just how finicky they can be! Wiry or kinky, wavy or corkscrew- this blog post is to share with you how I tame the mane and have frizz-free hair.

1. Wash

I don't wash my hair every day, or even every other day. It usually turns out to be about two to three times a week. I don't use shampoo either (insert gasp here). I haven't used traditional shampoo for about 5 years since reading The Curly Girl , an incredible book about curly hair care and how to's. I use conditioner (Head & Shoulders) and a deep conditioner (Currently WEN® Re Moist Intensive Hair Treatement ) to clean my hair. I apply the regular Head & Shoulders conditioner to my roots and scalp and then I apply the Wen treatment to my ends. I leave it on for about 5 minutes (or however long it takes me to shave my legs LOL) and then rinse.
 I recently learned that running your fingers through your wet hair can cause breakage and make you lose more hair than you normally would, so I have stopped doing that; but I do press the water and conditioner out, squeeze it and press it again.
If you have build up that you want to get rid of mixing a handful of brown sugar with your conditioner, or even lemon juice will get rid of the build up beautifully. 

2. Dry

Whatever you do, DO NOT TOWEL DRY YOUR HAIR!!!!! It will lift the hair shaft and cause frizz! Use a cotton t-shirt or a microfiber towel to gently squeeze excess water out and scrunch curls into position. I do not normally use a blow dryer unless I am in a hurry; air drying hair is the healthiest way to go.

3. Style

I have found that my hair has more bounce and curl when I use mousse rather than gel or hair spray. But, since every girl's hair is different, use what works for you! Use about a half dollar sized amount of mousse and evenly disperse through out hair.  If you have curls that are not as curly as you would like, as I do,  you can wrap the hair into a pin curl and clip it to your head using these clippies. 

Let it dry, take the clips out and you have perfect curls!