Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Unsealed lips about the wrong things..

I am not harmless. I prattle on and rattle bones, disturb souls and break up homes, all with a foolishness surprising even to me. I have knowledge but I don't use it; I know good but I abuse it, and to every master I am a shallow woman who constantly causes disaster with her words flowing. My mouth is dirty and my actions careless. So I trudge on to take risks quite reckless and never stop to think and repeat what I'm going to say before I say it, So I hurt and bruise and bash the recipients of my Christian self. They receive hell. While claiming righteousness, those after I will need to clean up my mess and produce mercy and justice to fix what I left. Can I do good and not leave bodies? They all trail behind me and I'm not the tree of life I should be. Oh my face, on the ground, I wish I were nowhere to be found. So I couldn't hear the sound of my own foolishness pouring down. My lack of goodness is unbound and my eyes won't look up, I am not enough and my heart wants to bluff and butter it up. To look like it wasn't me or, "that's not what I mean" or how could I ...
have been so stupid?
And God says He'll fix it and make me learn from it and put a splint on it, Until I can do it with just the Spirit. I say just make me mute until it all computes and only good comes out, of my mouth.
At my best I am but a vapor and I'll only wander so you've got to wonder why I waste my time with words that kill and actions that destroy or are decoy to who Christ really is and what He really did.
He is beautiful and I am not. With my blind eyes and prating mouth. He is good and I,
am nothing.

Psalm 40:9-10
9 I proclaim your saving acts in the great assembly;
   I do not seal my lips, LORD,
   as you know.
10 I do not hide your righteousness in my heart;
   I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help.
I do not conceal your love and your faithfulness
   from the great assembly.


  1. VERY well written sarah. and so true of so many of us. thank you God for grace and humble opportunities to show others how we walk under it!
