Friday, May 1, 2015

A Wilted Heart

I often forgot to water my plants. So often that I didn't want to buy any more, for fear that I would kill yet another small, green thing. Flowers, herbs, you name it, I may have killed it. 

That is why I could not get an orchid. 
I love orchids; tall, gorgeous...They have delicate flowers and yet seem so strong. But all beauty comes at a price! And alas, my husband told me that I could not get one until I kept a regular plant alive for longer than a month. 

One month. 

Ain't gonna happen I thought.

I thought! 

But I did it! And I learned something important. 

Plants need water and sunshine. 

You might be thinking, Duh, I could have told you that... And you would be right, I have heard it many times. But learning through experience is often better, correct? I realized that I am exactly like one of those little plants. That God made creation one big example of His gospel story. 

Sunshine and water.

He gives us water, so we never thirst again and yet, we must keep drinking it. I know that sunshine is never directly linked to Jesus in the Bible but I look at it as joy. He tells us that our joy will be full, to be of good cheer and many times over, He says, "Rejoice!" 

Just like a little potted plant can become root bound, dried up and wilted- so can I. 

I must continue running to the Living Water; I must rejoice and pray without ceasing... And in each new season of life, I just spread my roots out and grow. As must we all! 

Ps. My plants are still living :). 

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