Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Holding on to Hope When Seasons Change

 Don't you just love fall? The change in the air and sky ... The cool breezes blowing away the heat and stuffiness of summer. Even if the days are warm, they cool down towards evening and it just makes you want to break out the hot cocoa!

My mother-in-law made the comment as we opened the windows this morning, "It's like spring cleaning!" As the seasons change it is out with the old and in with the new. Sometimes our souls are like that. Phases of life and seasons of heartbreak come and go. When we are in a season of growth, the idea of change is distasteful- we enjoy life! But when our lives don't go the way we wish, finances are tight, and our souls are weary: change sounds wondrous.

Whether you are in winter or summer, spring or fall, our state of being will change. maybe you will get a raise, or that answer to prayer will finally come. Maybe the next season for you is one of learning and testing. Either way, it all comes down to hope. Hope in God, hope for a future. We hope for a difference; but what about our endurance? Will we hold on to that hope in the dry and thirsty land? 

Even if we feel our grip slipping, we can rest assured that God won't let go of us. He never let's us go. The song by David Crowder rings in my head... 

As the seasons change from warm to cool and then from cool to cold, remember that spring comes for all. After every dark night comes day. "Weeping may last through the night, but JOY comes with the morning." Psalm 30:5



  1. Beautiful reminder! Seasons constantly change; but God and His love for us remains the same!
