Thursday, June 25, 2015

Unlimited: Creating Life

What steals your creativity? What distracts you from the God-given gift within you? It IS a gift- the ability to dream, the delight in making and the joy to creating. After all, we are formed after the Creator. The One who made us, made us to be like Himself: to create!

I'm saddened when I hear someone say, "Oh, I'm not creative." We have believed the lie for so long that creativity is a nicely wrapped up package, given only to precious few. How far from the truth that is! We all have imaginations and are unlimited in what we can dream up. We may be unpracticed, but we still have the ability. We create life by being alive.

Painting, drawing and writing are not the only ways to be creative. Innovation has never been locked into a certain place and time. Maybe you are a homemaker and you have put your touch on everything in your decor. Or maybe you have bought all your decor from the store but you have placed things in the home in a certain way. Maybe you can paint, draw or sing. But maybe you can't do any of those things...But you can cook and bake. Creating is not limited to being crafty or having a talent that makes others jealous.

I once heard a friend call herself uncreative. I disagree with her assessment. The reason being? She has the most wonderful gift of creating a party. She envisions and plans the decoration, spends hours setting things up and in the end, it is always breathtaking. Whether it is a baby shower, wedding shower or a birthday party, she has the gift of making it beautiful. She doesn't think that she is creative, but she is.

I have another friend who assumes the same about herself. She isn't musically inclined, but her paintings are incredible. She writes powerfully and her meals are always to die for. Her ability to make me laugh always lifts my moods and refreshes my soul. All the joy of life is bundled in her creations; the time she spends on what is important to her. THAT is creativity. She doesn't think she is creative, but she is.

Even Adam and Eve created- making leaves into clothing. They were the first designers, models and entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, it was a result of the fall, but God came in and gave them better coverings. He can and will do the same for us. He makes us better, makes our creations better, and gives us the creativity to continue on.

It is a possibility that you are overlooking your creative gifts because you can't do certain things. Since when was creating only crafting, sewing, or writing? God designed us with beauty in mind- inside and out. Take time today to think about your creativity, outside the box.

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